The Institute for Policy, Advocacy, and Governance
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Towards Sustainable Development: Lessons from MDGs & Pathway for SDGs’

IPAG and the Economic Relations Division (ERD), Ministry of Finance, Government of Bangladesh organized a seminar in New York on ‘Towards Sustainable Development: Lessons from MDGs & Pathway for SDGs’.

Honorable Finance Minister Abul Maal A. Muhith speaking at the Inaugural Session

Magdy Martinez-Soliman, Assistant Secretary-General, Assistant Administrator & Director, Bureau for Policy & Programme, Support (BPPS), UNDP making his Opening Remarks at the Inaugural Session

Syed Munir Khasru, Chairman, IPAG, making the Welcome Note at the Inaugural Session

Guests during the Inaugural Session

Session I:  MDGs & SDGs: Connecting the Dotted Lines


Session II: MDGs & Bangladesh – Key Achievements & Lessons Learned


Session III:  Opportunities and Challenges for Developing Countries


Session IV: Role of Developed Economies in Facilitating SDGs
