The Institute for Policy, Advocacy, and Governance
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Resource Policy

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How AI can change the development-technology landscape in the post pandemic era

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have played a vital role in responding to the COVID-19 crisis. AI advancement also has the potential to support the global pursuit of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In developed economies, AI has already been widely adopted into businesses and hospitals. However, as AI grows, emerging challenges should be addressed globally to prevent potential misu

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Intensifying philanthropic participation in SDGs through strengthening the ecosystem

Philanthropic foundations play an essential role in sustainable development – not only in mobilising financial resources but also as development actors in their own right. Despite shared goals, governments and foundations have a significant communication and collaboration gap that often results in following parallel paths without engaging in genuine and effective complementary partnerships. Henc

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Paradigm Shift in Development Strategy in the Digital Age

The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the significance of digital technologies, with expectations of benefits growing in terms of ensuring basic services like employment, education, healthcare, coping with mobility restrictions etc. While much of the world has availed itself of the benefits, the divide in the digital realm has been exposed and widened. The G20 needs to throw its collective weight be

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Incentivizing the Private Sector to Support UN’s SDGs

With the plateauing of global financial flows, achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN by 2030 demands a coordinated resource mobilization approach. Developing countries have been facing major challenges in mobilizing private financing to implement the SDGs at grassroot level, while traditional approaches have been ineffective in bridging the annual SDG financing gap of around

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Challenges of Climate Migrants for the G20 Community

Abstract There is a worldwide increase in forced migration induced by climate change and climate-related disasters. Policymakers need to take swift and decisive measures for tackling this impending global threat. One key challenge has been the reluctance in providing climate migrants the “refugee” status. This makes it difficult to address the issue under the existing […]

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Multilateralism in Times of Global Pandemic: Lessons Learned and the Way Forward

Abstract Global challenges require collaboration across borders. Viruses have no respect for territorial boundaries, and subsequent economic, social, and political challenges will have both domestic and international consequences. While health care workers are on the front lines to help reduce the loss of life and human suffering, diverse stakeholders are thinking about how to move […]

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