The Institute for Policy, Advocacy, and Governance
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The Global Solutions Journal/Policy Brief/Event

Prof. Syed Munir Khasru, Chairman, IPAG and Co-Chair, G20 Task Forces on (i) Digital Transformation & (ii) SDG spoke on “How digital transformation will shape the global development agenda in the post pandemic period” at a workshop on Feb 21, 2022. The workshop was organized by the Council for Global Problem-Solving (CGP), Global Solutions Initiative Foundation, Berlin, Germany

The Global Solutions Summit 2021, May 27-28, 2021 in Berlin, Germany brought together global leaders, policy makers, and opinion leaders to share their thoughts on major global issues. Prof. Munir, Chairman, IPAG and G20 Co-chair of Task Force on Digital Transformation spoke on how to bridge the Digital Divide in the Digital Age.

IPAG is a member of the Council for Global Problem Solving (CGP), based in Berlin, Germany, which an exclusive consortium of world-class think tanks and research institutions. It is the intellectual core of the Global Solutions Initiative which makes policy recommendations to the G20, G7, and other global governance bodies.

For Global Solutions Summit held in Berlin, Germany from May 27-28, 2021 the G20 Summit Journal 2021 has been published in which IPAG has written three policy briefs in collaboration with our peers from UNICEF, European Commission, Asian Development Bank, Mastercard Foundation, Open Society Foundations etc.

1. The gender and children effects of COVID-19: We were joined by the UNICEF and European Commission for this policy brief. It looks into mitigating equity, safety and ethical risks linked to digital transformation which is on the rise during this pandemic and impeding inequality risks. While emphasizing on meaningful, inclusive, and empowering implementation, we have recommended a few important policy measures which include development of required infrastructure, to ensure inclusive and affordable internet connectivity, and adoption of online safety and data privacy measures.

Link: The gender and children effects of COVID-19

2. Mitigating the digital divide in e-learning: For this, we were joined by The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and The Mastercard Foundation. The policy brief addresses the pre-existing learning crisis and inequities that have been exacerbated by the pandemic, with a focus on policy reform through capacity building.

Link: Mitigating the digital divide in e-learning

3. Governance realignment in the Global South: It looks into the policy-centric network governance in regard to COVID-19. The policy brief assesses how networked governance has helped governments in dealing with the pandemic, both nationally and transnationally, and whether there is room for improvement in dealing with a non-political emergency of global proportions. IPAG was joined by The Open Society Foundations and The World Congress of Muslim Philanthropists for this.

Link Governance realignment in the Global South

G20 Interviews

The Think 20 Summit 2017, held in May, in Berlin, Germany is the concluding conference of the Think 20 Dialogue (T20), which promises to be an excellent opportunity to discuss and develop new solutions to major global problems with leading international decision-makers from think tanks, academia, business, politics, international organizations and civil society. Mr. Syed Munir Khasru, Chairman, IPAG, Avia Nahreen, Senior Research Associate, IPAG and Kazi Mitul Mahmud, Research Associate, IPAG were invited to participate in the summit.

IPAG is a member of the T20 and was inducted in the Task Force on Forced Migration (TFFM), one of the 9 official Task Forces of the T20 which aims to provide innovative and evidence-based policy options for the G20 Leadership. As the Lead Member of one of the Task Forces, IPAG prepared a Policy Brief on ‘Reforming the Forced Migration Governance System”, which is now published in the G20-Insights Platform. During the event, the recommendations from this report was forwarded to G20 leaders for taking forward policies on forced migration.

The “T20 Germany and beyond: Stock-taking and next steps of the Task Force on Forced Migration” held at the sidelines of the T20 Summit brought together TFFM members involved in the elaboration of the T20 Policy Briefs along with other experts. Ms. Kazi Mitul Mahmud briefly presented the policy brief and discussed the recommendations during this session. Several pertinent issues were raised at this meeting regarding the continuity of efforts within the Task Force, deciding on follow-up projects for research & implementation, and possible ways to expand the scope of the G20 briefs.