The Institute for Policy, Advocacy, and Governance
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Infopoverty World Conference (IWC)

Post Date

17 July, 2023



G20 and AI: Connecting the dotted lines between technology and humanity

“G20 and AI: Connecting the dotted lines between technology and humanity”, hosted by IPAG Asia Pacific, Australian Information Security Association (AISA), and SCICC was a T20 Indonesia side event that focused exclusively on undeniably the most important aspect of the digital society, Artificial Intelligence. Guest speakers consisting of some of the most skilled veterans in the field were invited to share their thoughts and guidance towards the rapid and inevitable transition towards a future, driven by mainstream Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Session 1: Exploring A New Horizon of Opportunity

The keynote presentation was delivered by Prof. Dr. Dennis J. Snower (Co-Chair of Think7 Germany; President of Global Solutions Initiative). The session was moderated by Dr. Venkatachalam Anbumozhi (Director of Research Strategy and Innovation, ERIA) with panelists Dr. Jatna Supriatna (President of SDSN Indonesia, Professor of University of Indonesia), Dr. Josua Sitompul (Legal Coordinator of the Ministry of Communication and Information of Indonesia) and Meidy Fitranto Co-founder and CEO of Nodeflux).

The keynote presentation by Prof. Dr. Dennis aimed to discuss about the most critical questions regarding the application of AI, in regard to its impacts on our privacy, employment, social coherence and humanity in general. The presentation was followed up by discussions from panelists diving into the depth of AI’s impact on our personal and legal tiers.

Session 2: AI and The Digital Ecosystem

The keynote presentation was delivered by Prof. Dr Suhono Harso Supangkat’s (Co-Chair of Task Force 2, T20 Indonesia; Head of Smart City and Community Innovation Center, Bandung Institute of Technology). The session was moderated by Prof. Fukunari Kimura (Chief Economist of ERIA) with panelists Dr. Marisa Henderson (Chief of the Trade and Creative Economy Section.


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